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Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar Train Ticket Price & Schedule 2024

Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar Train Ticket Price & Schedule are given here according to bangladesh railway latest update. Lets learn the correct information from here. Its important to know the correct information about train schedule and ticket price before making a travel plan.
Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar Train Ticket Price
There is only one train named Cox’s Bazar Express travels from dhaka to cox’s bazar and it has two category of tickets. The ticket prices are given bellow
Seat Category | Ticket Price |
Shovan Chair | 695 Tk |
Singdha | 1,325 Tk |
Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar Train Schedule
Cox’s Bazar Express train has on four stopage from dhaka to cox’s bazar, they are: dhaka, dhaka biman bandar, chattogram, cox’s bazar. Train Schedule is given bellow
Station Name | Departure | Arrival | Off Day |
Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar (814) | 10:30 pm | 07:20 am | Mon |
Cox’s Bazar to Dhaka (813) | 12:30 am | 9:10 pm | Tue |
Cox’s Bazar Express Train Stopage Station:
Station Name | Up Time (814) | Down Time (813) |
Dhaka | 10:30 am | 9:10 pm |
Biman Bandar | 10:53 am | |
Chattogram | 03:40 pm | 03:40 pm |
Cox’s Bazar | 07:20 pm | 12:30 am |