Digital Bangladesh paragraph for hsc, ssc and 100-500 words

- Digital Bangladesh Paragraph for Class 12 in 300 Words
- Digital Bangladesh Paragraph for Class 9-10 in 200 Words
- Digital Bangladesh Essay in 1000 Words
- Key Points for Digital Bangladesh Paragraph
- Q: What is Digital Bangladesh?
- Q: What are the initiatives taken by the government to achieve Digital Bangladesh?
- Q: What impact has the digital revolution had on the economy of Bangladesh?
- Q: How has the education sector been impacted by digital technologies in Bangladesh?
- Q: What is the potential of Bangladesh to become a leading digital economy in the region?
Digital Bangladesh Paragraph for Class 12 in 300 Words
Digital Bangladesh refers to the vision of the Bangladesh government to transform the country into a knowledge-based society using modern technologies. The goal is to create a digital ecosystem that will drive the development of the country in all sectors, including education, health, agriculture, and commerce. The government has taken many initiatives to achieve this goal. One of the major initiatives is the establishment of the Digital Bangladesh program. Under this program, the government has launched many projects, including the establishment of computer labs in schools and colleges, e-governance initiatives, and the creation of a national fiber optic network to connect all parts of the country. Another important initiative is the development of the ICT sector. The government has taken steps to encourage the growth of this sector by providing various incentives, including tax holidays and access to low-cost loans. As a result, the ICT sector has grown rapidly in recent years, and many international companies have set up operations in Bangladesh. The digital revolution has also had a significant impact on the economy of Bangladesh. The e-commerce sector has grown rapidly, and online marketplaces have become an essential part of the retail industry. The use of digital payments has increased, and many people now prefer to make payments using their mobile phones. Furthermore, the education sector has also been revolutionized by digital technologies. The government has introduced digital textbooks in schools and colleges, and many educational institutions now use e-learning platforms to deliver education to their students. The vision of a Digital Bangladesh is an ambitious goal, but the government has taken many steps to achieve it. The use of modern technologies has already had a significant impact on the development of the country, and it is expected that this trend will continue in the coming years. With the right policies and initiatives, Bangladesh has the potential to become a leading digital economy in the region.
Digital Bangladesh Paragraph for Class 9-10 in 200 Words
Digital Bangladesh means digitalizing Bangladesh by ensuring an ICT-based society where information will be available online for mass people. Digital Bangladesh aims to establish technology-based digital governance that will emphasize the overall development of the country and the nation multi-dimensionally. For the dream of Digital Bangladesh, firstly the country demands a high IT structure. Along with the assurance of skills in the IT sector, an easy and smooth internet facility for everyone is to be ensured. As the internet mostly depends on the electricity system nowadays, the proper full-time electricity supply to every locality is a must. Otherwise, the term Digital Bangladesh will be degraded. To go with the flow of the International arena, the advancement in ICT is the first and foremost way in this time. The government has already implemented most of the steps to Digital Bangladesh. We are already getting its benefits now. For example, it connects people with the world economically, politically, socially, academically, and even culturally. Government e-services, modern banking and financial activities, telemedicine, online education, and digital agricultural and commerce sectors are also speeding up due to the implementation of the project ‘Digital Bangladesh.” It will help to eradicate corruption from the system a lot and to save people’s time and money. This is the best outfit of our civilization. It will be no exaggeration to say that implementing a digital Bangladesh can help us to upload as one of the most developed countries in the world by the next decade. If we work for our country and nation to make the dream possible, Vision Digital Bangladesh is going to be visualized very soon and we are going to dream something bigger then, for us, for you, and for the upcoming generation.
Digital Bangladesh Essay in 1000 Words
The dream of making different services easily accessible to people dorr-steps by digitalizing the country’s whole system is termed ‘Digital Bangladesh”. Establishing an ICT-based government will make the overall development of our country faster and help the nation multi-dimensionally is the prime goal of the establishment of Digital Bangladesh. Transforming the country toward a knowledge economy, easily accessible services through the internet, and grabbing the new opportunities creating for the revolution of ICT are coming into reality for this project.
The Vision was declared on the 12th of December in 2008 in the election manifesto of Awami League and the program was taken into action by our Honourable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in the next year. The four pillars of Digital Bangladesh are human resource development, connecting citizens, digital government, and promotion of the ICT industry. A fantastic growth story is being written in the history of Bangladesh. The change didn’t happen overnight magically. The country has been enjoying many facilities since initiating this project. Once, thousands of files were required to search for a single document and reports from the stores of files. All the records are kept digitally and can be found with just one search.
Mobile apps are doing the buying and selling of crops, and farmers can use their respective information easily. Getting advanced weather forecasts and preparation against natural calamities can be taken. Its impact is found not only in national life but also in personal life. Different websites have provided online education facilities that anyone can enjoy staying anywhere in the country. Diversified and rich video content in Bengali is increasing day by day. The OTT platforms are getting popular. Anyone can consult with renowned doctors staying in a remote village for the development of telemedicine services.
The development of the admission process, smart NID, unique ID, etc are mentionable. Side by side, different government services like e-settlement, e-books, paying bills, and service facility in Govt. the website portal has been introduced in the country. Mobile banking with the help of Bkash, Nagad, and Rocket accounts has been increased in the country. Corruption has been reduced to a great extent. Crime and security organizations like the police, RAB, and Anti-corruption Commission use different enhanced techniques and ICT to reduce crime and maintain social harmony.
More than 120 Bangladeshi companies are exporting software and ICT products worth nearly 1 Billion Dollars to 35 different countries. It has been expected to reach up to 5 Billion USD by 2023, as per the government reports. There are about 9 crore unique mobile users and 4.7 crore mobile data subscribers in the country, as per the report of BTC 2020. About 5 crore people in our country enjoy social media accounts like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter. The increasing rate of 4G connection in the country also facilitates freelancers to earn a huge amount staying at home through web development, software development, Search Engine Optimization, digital marketing, video editing, content writing, etc.
A report shows that 80 job opportunities have been created per 1000 connections due to digitalization. The internet facility, electricity connection, and ICT infrastructures have significantly been developed. The country launched its first geostationary communications and broadcasting satellite, Bangabandhu Satellite-1, on 12 May 2018 and the project is ongoing to launch Bangabandhu Satellite-2. About 4000 Sheikh Russel Digital Labs have been established throughout the country to prepare the young generation for the 21st century.
Our country is also connected by two submarine cables for better connectivity. All initiatives and reports prove that we are heading toward the digital Bangladesh and Vision 2041. While most of the part of the country has been under internet coverage, there still exist weak internet systems that are out of these privileges. Side by side, hacking, cyberbullying, and X-rated websites are dangerously increasing. The government has been introducing an ICT section in every police station though out the country and making arrangements for different training to tackle the situation. Besides, if we snatch out the good opportunities of digitalization, we can get the ultimate good result in Digital Bangladesh.
By working hand-in-hand, we will add our country’s name to the developed list with Digital Bangladesh’s help. Digital Bangladesh SSC Digital Bangladesh means digitalizing Bangladesh by ensuring an ICT-based society where information will be available online for mass people. Digital Bangladesh aims to establish technology-based digital governance that will emphasize the country’s overall development and the nation’s multi-dimensionally. For the dream of Digital Bangladesh, firstly, the country demands a high IT structure. Along with the assurance of skills in the IT sector, an easy and smooth internet facility for everyone is to be ensured.
As the internet mostly depends on the electricity system nowadays, the proper full-time electricity supply to every locality is a must. Otherwise, the term Digital Bangladesh will be degraded. To go with the flow of the International arena, the advancement in ICT is the first and foremost way in this time. The government has already implemented most of the steps to Digital Bangladesh. We are already getting its benefits now. For example, connect people with the whole world economically, politically, socially, academically, and even culturally. Government e-services, modern banking and financial activities, telemedicine, online education, and digital agricultural and commerce sectors are also speeding up due to the implementation of the project ‘Digital Bangladesh.” It will help to eradicate corruption from the system a lot and to save people’s time and money, this is the best outfit of our civilization. It will be no exaggeration if we say that implementing a digital Bangladesh can help us to upload as one of the most developed countries in the world by the next decade.
We have to work for our country and nation from our respective places spontaneously and with care. In that case, Vision Digital Bangladesh will be visualized very soon and we will dream of something more significant for us, for you, and for the upcoming generation.
Key Points for Digital Bangladesh Paragraph
Q: What is Digital Bangladesh?
Ans: Digital Bangladesh is a vision of the Bangladesh government to transform the country into a knowledge-based society using modern technologies, with the aim of creating a digital ecosystem that will drive the development of the country in all sectors.
Q: What are the initiatives taken by the government to achieve Digital Bangladesh?
Ans: The government has launched many projects, including the establishment of computer labs in schools and colleges, e-governance initiatives, and the creation of a national fiber optic network to connect all parts of the country. The development of the ICT sector is also a key initiative.
Q: What impact has the digital revolution had on the economy of Bangladesh?
Ans: The e-commerce sector has grown rapidly, and online marketplaces have become an essential part of the retail industry. The use of digital payments has increased, and many people now prefer to make payments using their mobile phones.
Q: How has the education sector been impacted by digital technologies in Bangladesh?
Ans: The government has introduced digital textbooks in schools and colleges, and many educational institutions now use e-learning platforms to deliver education to their students.
Q: What is the potential of Bangladesh to become a leading digital economy in the region?
Ans: With the right policies and initiatives, Bangladesh has the potential to become a leading digital economy in the region, given the growth of the ICT sector and the rapid adoption of digital technologies in various sectors.