Environment Pollution paragraph for hsc, ssc and all exams

Environment pollution is a great concern all over the world. Due to environmental pollution, the climate is changing very rapidly which is a threat to the present world. It is high time to think about it seriously. The environmental pollution paragraph is very important for all exams. So you must have enough knowledge about it to get good marks. We covered all important topics so that you can enrich your knowledge by reading this paragraph.
Environment Pollution Paragraph for HSC exam
Environment pollution
Environment pollution means the degradation of the main elements of the environment. It is an unfavorable condition for the environment where its natural balance is lost to different types of pollution. It’s a matter of sorrow that the root elements of the environment which are essential for living are being polluted by many human works day by day. The three major forms of environmental pollution are air pollution, water pollution, and land pollution. Pollution can also be created by excessive human activity, such as light pollution or noise pollution. It can also refer to a specific pollutant like plastic or radioactive material. Since the industrial revolution and the increasing rate of the population to great extent, environmental pollution has increased a lot. Burning of fossil fuel, industrial emission running of vehicles, black smoke from chimneys, wildfires, etc are the causes of air pollution. By this, the amount of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and other harmful elements are increasing in the atmosphere causing global warming and climate change. It doesn’t only affect the environment rather millions of people around the world suffer from chronic respiratory problems, and heart diseases and other organs of the body are affected by taking poisonous elements from the air with respiration. Water pollution is also another curse for us. Industrial waste, chemical waste, etc are thrown in the water every day without recycling. The sea and ocean, rivers, canals, ponds, and water bodies are largely affected by this type of pollution. The water is mixing up with every corner of the sea and harming aquatic plants and animals. One of the most important elements of nature is the soil on which we live and cultivate our crops. But the iron hand of pollution doesn’t let it go escaped. The soil is usually polluted by unplanned urbanization, using pesticides in airable lands as per wish, and cutting down trees. The land is losing the fertility of prodigy crops and becoming more polluted. The sea level is rising day by day and the water is entering the lands. Thus, the salt of the sea is mixing with the soil making the coastal area unfit for cultivation. Besides these three types of pollution, sound pollution has become another great problem in city areas. Excessive and unnecessary horns of vehicles, miking, and playing songs on the loudspeakers are creating sound pollution. Human behavior is damaging and people are suffering from various mental problems like getting angry at small things, a decrease in tolerance, etc. It is said that plastic is more dangerous than a nuclear bomb. While plastic causes innumerable damage to our environment as they do not mix with soil easily, we are carelessly using it in our day-to-day activities. The plastic particles are mixing with land, air, and water and causing unrepairable damages. Environmental pollution is creating a catastrophic situation all over the world. we are turning our lovely planet unsuitable for living. The main cause of environmental pollution is our unwise and self-centered activities. Being the most intelligent creatures in the universe, we are behaving like the most foolish animals. We should change our daily lives by reducing, reusing, and recycling our daily products. Along with this, the government should take steps for the implementation of strict rules regarding the environment, declaring plastic as a forbidden product, reducing the use of fossil fuels, and increasing the use of renewable energy. Besides, all industries need to be made eco-friendly with a green certificate and have their wastages recycled before they are thrown into the environment. If we all work together hand in hand, then surely can stop environmental pollution and make a fresh world for the upcoming generation.
Environment Pollution Paragraph for SSC exam
Environment Pollution
Environment pollution means the degradation of the root elements of the environment. It’s a matter of sorrow that the main elements of the environment which are essential for living are being polluted by many human works day by day. There are mainly four types of environmental pollution- air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, and sound pollution. Burning of fossil fuel, industrial emissions, running of vehicles, black smoke from chimneys, etc are the causes of air pollution. Water pollution is another curse for us. Industrial waste, chemical waste, sewerage wastage, etc are thrown in the water in huge amounts every day without recycling. The sea and ocean, rivers, canals, ponds, and water bodies are being largely affected by mixing with pollutants. One of the most important elements of nature is the soil on which we live and cultivate our crops. But the iron hand of pollution doesn’t let it go escaped. The soil is usually polluted by unplanned urbanization, using of pesticides in airable lands as per wish, and the cutting down of trees. Sound pollution is another great problem in city areas. Excessive and unnecessary horns of vehicles, miking, and playing songs on the loudspeakers are creating sound pollution. Pollution is devastatingly harming our environment. Increasing the average temperature of the earth, decreasing fertility of crops land, acid rain, climate change, etc are taking place due to pollutants. It doesn’t only affect the environment rather millions of people around the world suffer from chronic respiratory problems, heart diseases, cancer, and other health problems. Recycling, reducing and reusing daily commodities, using renewable energy and solar energy, establishing the green industry, creating mass awareness about nature, etc steps are to be taken to save the environment. Besides, the government should take various actions for making a green and clean environment.