Adjective from R – 164 Adjectives that start with R with examples

Adjective from R
Here are 100 adjectives that start with R with their meanings and examples:
1. Rabid – fanatical, extreme, fervent (example: The rabid sports fans cheered their team on until the end.)
2. Radiant – shining, bright, glowing (example: The radiant sun illuminated the sky.)
3. Radical – extreme, revolutionary, innovative (example: The radically new approach to solving the problem was met with skepticism.)
4. Ragged – torn or frayed, shabby (example: The ragged old blanket was still comforting.)
5. Rainy – wet or damp due to rain (example: The rainy day made it difficult to go outside.)
6. Rambunctious – boisterous, noisy, unruly (example: The rambunctious children played loudly in the park.)
7. Rampant – widespread, unchecked, uncontrolled (example: The rampant corruption in the government was a cause for concern.)
8. Random – haphazard, without a pattern or plan, arbitrary (example: The random selection of participants in the study ensured diversity.)
9. Rancid – spoiled, stale, rotten (example: The rancid smell coming from the fridge indicated that the food had gone bad.)
10. Rangey – lanky, tall and thin, rangy (example: The range basketball player was able to reach the basket easily.)
11. Rare – uncommon, unusual, scarce (example: The rare bird species was a sight to behold.)
12. Rash – impulsive, reckless, hasty (example: The rash decision to quit his job without a plan was regretted later.)
13. Rational – logical, reasonable, sensible (example: The rational approach to problem-solving was effective.)
14. Raw – uncooked, unprocessed, rough (example: The raw vegetables in the salad added crunch and nutrition.)
15. Readable – easy to read, comprehensible (example: The readable font and spacing made the book enjoyable to read.)
16. Ready – prepared, willing, prompt (example: The ready response of the firefighters saved lives.)
17. Real – genuine, authentic, actual (example: The real reason for the delay was finally revealed.)
18. Reasonable – fair, justifiable, moderate (example: The reasonable price of the product was within the budget.)
19. Rebellious – defiant, disobedient, rebellious (example: The rebellious teenager refused to follow rules.)
20. Recent – newly occurring, fresh, up-to-date (example: The recent events in the news were shocking.)
21. Reciprocal – mutual, shared, equivalent (example: The reciprocal agreement between the two countries benefited both.)
22. Reckless – careless, irresponsible, thoughtless (example: The reckless driver caused a serious accident.)
23. Recognizable – identifiable, familiar, known (example: The recognizable landmark was a popular tourist attraction.)
24. Redundant – unnecessary, superfluous, repetitive (example: The redundant information was deleted to make the report concise.)
25. Reflective – thoughtful, contemplative, introspective (example: The reflective person spent time thinking about their actions.)
26. Refreshing – revitalizing, invigorating, rejuvenating (example: The refreshing drink quenched their thirst on a hot day.)
27. Regal – majestic, royal, grand (example: The regal palace was an impressive sight.)
28. Regretful – remorseful, apologetic, sorry (example: The regretful employee apologized for the mistake.)
29. Regular – consistent, normal, customary (example: The regular bus schedule was convenient for commuters.)
30. Rejoicing – joyful, elated, celebratory (example: The rejoicing crowd cheered and 31. Relaxed – calm, comfortable, at ease (example: The relaxed atmosphere of the spa was soothing.)
32. Reliable – trustworthy, dependable, consistent (example: The reliable car never broke down.)
33. Remarkable – noteworthy, extraordinary, impressive (example: The remarkable achievement was recognized with an award.)
34. Remote – distant, secluded, isolated (example: The remote village was difficult to access.)
35. Renowned – famous, well-known, celebrated (example: The renowned artist was featured in many galleries.)
36. Repulsive – disgusting, offensive, revolting (example: The repulsive smell made them nauseous.)
37. Reserved – cautious, shy, introverted (example: The reserved person preferred to listen rather than speak.)
38. Resilient – strong, tough, durable (example: The resilient material withstood wear and tear.)
39. Resolute – determined, unwavering, steadfast (example: The resolute athlete never gave up.)
40. Resourceful – creative, innovative, adaptable (example: The resourceful entrepreneur found a way to solve the problem.)
41. Respectful – polite, courteous, considerate (example: The respectful student listened to their teacher.)
42. Responsible – accountable, reliable, dependable (example: The responsible employee always completed their work on time.)
43. Restless – agitated, uneasy, fidgety (example: The restless child couldn’t sit still.)
44. Reverent – respectful, awe-struck, worshipful (example: The reverent choir sang with reverence.)
45. Rewarding – satisfying, fulfilling, gratifying (example: The rewarding experience made it all worth it.)
46. Rich – wealthy, abundant, opulent (example: The rich businessman lived in a luxurious mansion.)
47. Rigorous – demanding, challenging, strict (example: The rigorous training program required discipline.)
48. Rigid – inflexible, stiff, unbending (example: The rigid rules were difficult to follow.)
49. Righteous – virtuous, moral, upright (example: The righteous person always did what was right.)
50. Robust – strong, healthy, sturdy (example: The robust immune system fought off the virus.)
51. Romantic – passionate, sentimental, amorous (example: The romantic couple enjoyed a candlelit dinner.)
52. Rotund – plump, round, chubby (example: The rotund cat was adorable.)
53. Rough – uneven, coarse, bumpy (example: The rough road was difficult to drive on.)
54. Rowdy – noisy, disorderly, boisterous (example: The rowdy party kept the neighbors up all night.)
55. Royal – regal, majestic, elegant (example: The royal wedding was a grand event.)
56. Rugged – rough, sturdy, durable (example: The rugged boots were perfect for hiking.)
57. Ruthless – merciless, cruel, brutal (example: The ruthless dictator oppressed their people.)
58. Radiating – emitting, spreading, beaming (example: The radiating heat made it unbearable to be outside.)
59. Rattled – unnerved, shaken, disturbed (example: The rattled driver was involved in a car accident.)
60. Ravishing – stunning, gorgeous, enchanting (example: The ravishing model stole the show.)
61. Reclusive – solitary, hermit-like, isolated (example: The reclusive author rarely made public appearances.)
62. Redolent – fragrant, aromatic, perfumed (example: The redolent flowers filled the room with a pleasant scent.)
63. Regenerative – renewing, rejuvenating, restorative (example: The regenerative treatment helped to heal the damaged tissue.)
64. Relatable – understandable, relatable, 65. Relevant – pertinent, applicable, significant (example: The relevant information was crucial to the case.)
66. Relieved – calm, relieved, reassured (example: The relieved parents found their missing child.)
67. Reluctant – hesitant, unwilling, resistant (example: The reluctant student didn’t want to participate in the group project.)
68. Reminiscent – evocative, reminiscent, suggestive (example: The old photographs were reminiscent of a bygone era.)
69. Renascent – reborn, rejuvenated, renewed (example: The renascent city flourished after years of neglect.)
70. Repentant – remorseful, regretful, contrite (example: The repentant criminal apologized for their actions.)
71. Repetitive – monotonous, tedious, redundant (example: The repetitive task became boring after a while.)
72. Reposeful – peaceful, calm, tranquil (example: The reposed scenery was a welcome respite from the city noise.)
73. Reproving – disapproving, reproachful, critical (example: The reproving teacher scolded the misbehaving student.)
74. Resistant – immune, impervious, insusceptible (example: The resistant strain of bacteria was difficult to treat.)
75. Resourceless – destitute, impoverished, needy (example: The resourceless family struggled to make ends meet.)
76. Restful – peaceful, calming, relaxing (example: The restful vacation helped to alleviate stress.)
77. Restrained – controlled, subdued, restrained (example: The restrained performance was understated but powerful.)
78. Resultant – consequent, resulting, consequent (example: The resultant damage from the storm was extensive.)
79. Reticent – reserved, introverted, hesitant (example: The reticent person didn’t like to talk about themselves.)
80. Retrograde – regressive, backward, declining (example: The retrograde policies set the country back.)
81. Revered – esteemed, respected, revered (example: The revered leader was highly respected by their followers.)
82. Reversible – reversible, invertible, interchangeable (example: The reversible jacket was versatile and practical.)
83. Rewardable – deserving, meriting, deserving (example: The rewardable efforts of the volunteers were recognized.)
84. Ridiculous – absurd, ludicrous, preposterous (example: The ridiculous idea was met with laughter.)
85. Rightful – legitimate, legal, proper (example: The rightful heir inherited the throne.)
86. Risky – hazardous, dangerous, risky (example: The risky venture could lead to financial ruin.)
87. Rousing – stirring, exciting, stimulating (example: The rousing speech inspired the crowd.)
88. Rubbery – flexible, stretchy, elastic (example: The rubbery material was perfect for making rubber bands.)
89. Rude – impolite, disrespectful, offensive (example: The rude comment was hurtful.)
90. Ruffled – disheveled, rumpled, tousled (example: The ruffled feathers of the bird made it look disheveled.)
91. Rustic – rural, quaint, charming (example: The rustic cabin was perfect for a weekend getaway.)
92. Ruthful – sorrowful, mournful, lamenting (example: The ruthful widow grieved for her husband.)
93. Radiant – glowing, beaming, shining (example: The radiant sun lit up the sky.)
94. Ragged – tattered, torn, shabby (example: The ragged clothes were in need of repair.)
95. Rapid – quick, fast, speedy (example: The rapid progress of technology was astounding.)
96. Rascally – mischievous, 97. Rational – logical, reasonable, sensible (example: The rational approach to problem-solving helped to find a solution.)
98. Raw – uncooked, unprocessed, natural (example: The raw vegetables were perfect for a healthy snack.)
99. Reactive – responsive, reactive, responsive (example: The reactive approach to the situation was not effective.)
100. Realistic – practical, down-to-earth, feasible (example: The realistic plan was achievable.)
101. Reasonable – fair, sensible, justifiable (example: The reasonable price was within the budget.)
102. Receptive – open-minded, receptive, responsive (example: The receptive audience was engaged and interested.)
103. Reclusive – solitary, reclusive, hermit-like (example: The reclusive author rarely made public appearances.)
104. Recognizable – identifiable, recognizable, familiar (example: The recognizable landmark was a popular tourist destination.)
105. Redundant – repetitive, unnecessary, superfluous (example: The redundant information was omitted from the report.)
106. Reflective – thoughtful, contemplative, meditative (example: The reflective individual often took time to think things through.)
107. Refreshing – invigorating, revitalizing, refreshing (example: The refreshing drink was a welcome relief on a hot day.)
108. Regal – majestic, royal, grand (example: The regal palace was fit for a king.)
109. Regional – local, regional, territorial (example: The regional cuisine was unique to the area.)
110. Regular – normal, routine, customary (example: The regular schedule helped to establish a routine.)
111. Regretful – apologetic, remorseful, regretful (example: The regretful employee apologized for their mistake.)
112. Rejoicing – celebrating, rejoicing, elated (example: The rejoicing crowd cheered and celebrated their victory.)
113. Reliable – trustworthy, dependable, reliable (example: The reliable car never broke down.)
114. Remarkable – exceptional, extraordinary, notable (example: The remarkable achievement was recognized with an award.)
115. Remote – distant, isolated, remote (example: The remote location was difficult to access.)
116. Removable – detachable, removable, separable (example: The removable lid made it easy to clean the container.)
117. Renowned – famous, renowned, celebrated (example: The renowned artist was known for their unique style.)
118. Repellent – repellent, repellent, unattractive (example: The repellent smell kept insects away.)
119. Repetitious – repetitive, monotonous, boring (example: The repetitious task became tedious.)
120. Resilient – tough, durable, resilient (example: The resilient material was able to withstand wear and tear.)
121. Resolute – determined, resolute, steadfast (example: The resolute decision was made after careful consideration.)
122. Respectful – polite, respectful, courteous (example: The respectful student always addressed their teacher with respect.)
123. Responsive – reactive, responsive, receptive (example: The responsive website was easy to navigate.)
124. Responsible – accountable, responsible, reliable (example: The responsible employee always met their deadlines.)
125. Restless – uneasy, agitated, restless (example: The restless child couldn’t sit still.)
126. Restrictive – limiting, restrictive, confining (example: The restrictive policy was unpopular with employees.)
127. Reverent – respectful, reverent, pious (example: The reverent worshipers showed great reverence to their deity.)
128. Revolutionary – innovative, groundbreaking, revolutionary (example: The revolutionary new product changed the industry.)
129. Rewarding – fulfilling, satisfying, rewarding (example: The rewarding job was personally fulfilling.)
130. Rhetorical 131. Rhythmic – musical, rhythmic, cadenced (example: The rhythmic beat of the music got everyone dancing.)
132. Rich – affluent, wealthy, prosperous (example: The rich businessman owned several properties.)
133. Rigorous – strict, demanding, rigorous (example: The rigorous training program pushed athletes to their limits.)
134. Risky – dangerous, hazardous, risky (example: The risky behavior put others in danger.)
135. Robust – strong, sturdy, robust (example: The robust tree withstood strong winds.)
136. Romantic – passionate, sentimental, romantic (example: The romantic gesture was well received.)
137. Roomy – spacious, ample, roomy (example: The roomy apartment was perfect for a family.)
138. Rosy – optimistic, hopeful, promising (example: The rosy outlook for the future was encouraging.)
139. Rough – uneven, coarse, rough (example: The rough terrain was difficult to traverse.)
140. Rounded – circular, curved, rounded (example: The rounded edges of the furniture were safe for children.)
141. Routine – habitual, customary, routine (example: The routine tasks were part of the daily schedule.)
142. Royal – majestic, regal, royal (example: The royal family lived in a grand palace.)
143. Rubbery – elastic, flexible, rubbery (example: The rubbery material was stretchy.)
144. Rude – impolite, disrespectful, rude (example: The rude comment was offensive to others.)
145. Rustic – rural, simple, rustic (example: The rustic cabin was a peaceful retreat.)
146. Rusty – corroded, worn, rusty (example: The rusty car had seen better days.)
147. Ruthless – merciless, cruel, ruthless (example: The ruthless dictator showed no mercy to their enemies.)
148. Rhythmic – musical, rhythmic, cadenced (example: The rhythmic beat of the music got everyone dancing.)
149. Radiant – bright, shining, radiant (example: The radiant sun illuminated the sky.)
150. Rational – logical, reasonable, sensible (example: The rational approach to problem-solving helped to find a solution.)
151. Raw – uncooked, unprocessed, natural (example: The raw vegetables were perfect for a healthy snack.)
152. Reactive – responsive, reactive, responsive (example: The reactive approach to the situation was not effective.)
153. Realistic – practical, down-to-earth, feasible (example: The realistic plan was achievable.)
154. Reasonable – fair, sensible, justifiable (example: The reasonable price was within the budget.)
155. Receptive – open-minded, receptive, responsive (example: The receptive audience was engaged and interested.)
156. Reclusive – solitary, reclusive, hermit-like (example: The reclusive author rarely made public appearances.)
157. Recognizable – identifiable, recognizable, familiar (example: The recognizable landmark was a popular tourist destination.)
158. Redundant – repetitive, unnecessary, superfluous (example: The redundant information was omitted from the report.)
159. Reflective – thoughtful, contemplative, meditative (example: The reflective individual often took time to think things through.)
160. Refreshing – invigorating, revitalizing, refreshing (example: The refreshing drink was a welcome relief on a hot day.)
161. Regal – majestic, royal, grand (example: The regal palace was fit for a king.)
162. Regional – local, regional, territorial (example: The regional cuisine was unique to the area.)
163. Regular – normal, routine, customary (example: The regular schedule helped to establish a routine.)
164. Regretful – apologetic, remorseful, regretful
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