Boys Names

Iftikhar name meaning, origin and personality

Iftikhar name meaning is Grace, Glory, Honour, Pride. Iftikhar is a Muslim boy name. The name Iftikhar origin is Arabic. Iftikhar meaning Grace, Glory, and Honour. Here, you will find the details of meaning, origin, and mention of the name Iftikhar.

Iftikhar name meaning and Origin

Name Iftikhar
Meaning Grace, Glory and Honour
Origin Arabic
Gender Boy
Unique Name Yes
Modern NameYes
Short NameNo

Why will you choose Iftikhar name for your baby ?

Here are some additional details about the name Iftikhar:

Origin: Iftikhar is a Muslim name of Arabic origin.
Meaning: Iftikhar means “honor, dignity, prestige, glory, reputation, fame, distinction, eminence, excellence, and superiority.”
Pronunciation: Iftikhar is pronounced as ihF-TIH-kahr.
Popularity: Iftikhar is a popular name in many Muslim-majority countries, including Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, and Iran. It is also a popular name in some non-Muslim countries, such as the United States and the United Kingdom.

Notable people with the name Iftikhar:

  • Iftikhar Ahmed, a Pakistani cricketer.
  • Iftikhar Ali Khan Pataudi, a former Indian cricketer and the Nawab of Pataudi.
  • Iftikhar Chaudhry, a Pakistani politician and former Chief Justice of Pakistan.
  • Iftikhar Arif, a Pakistani poet and writer.

Iftikhar is a beautiful and meaningful name that is perfect for a little boy. It is a name that will give him a strong sense of identity and a connection to his Islamic heritage.

See more: Beautiful Name with Meaning for Muslim Babies

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